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Neuro Technologies

SENSOMEDICAL assists NeuroScience innovators around the globe by quickly and economically transforming their ground-breaking Neuro applications into commercialized Neuro Products – significantly shortening time to market and greatly reducing R&D and manufacturing costs and risks, alongside highly improving the chances for ultimate success.
Our unique solutions for Customized Product Development and manufacturing are based on our advanced, fully integrated, multi-disciplinary technological platforms, including hardware, software and cloud services – all under one roof.

one-stop-shop Neuro-Products Development service
SENSOMEDICAL is one of the only companies to focus solely on offering a full “one-stop-shop” Neuro Products Development service, providing all the vital expertise literally under one roof.
one-stop-shop Neuro-Products Development service
SENSOMEDICAL is one of the only companies to focus solely on offering a full “one-stop-shop” Neuro Products Development service, providing all the vital expertise literally under one roof.

SMOOTH Development based on MULTI-DISCIPLINARY Expertise
Creating a functioning NeuroProduct, requires vast knowledge and hands on experience in all the following areas:
Electrode development, Biomedical Engineering, Neurology, Neuroscience/ Neuro-stimulation/ Neuro-monitoring, Software, Electronics, Mechanics, Industrial design, Manufacturing, Electro-Physiology, Electrodes design and Manufacturing, Electronics & Mechanical design, Neuroscience Technology, Materials Engineering, Electrochemistry and Software Systems Architecture and Programming.
Our multi-disciplinary team has extensive expertise in all the above areas.
SENSOMEDICAL’s proprietary Technological Platforms enable us to bring customization to a new level – saving precious time, drastically reducing costs, minimizing risks and vastly improving chances for ultimate success.

SENSOMEDICL’s proprietary Technological Platforms enable us to bring customization to a new level – saving precious time, drastically reducing costs, minimizing risks and vastly improving chances for ultimate success.

Tailored proof of concept - even at pre-seed stage
BIOPOT3 Development Kit
- EEG Sub-hairline Adhesive electrodes
- Dry EEG Cap
- Wet EEG Cap

Tailored proof of concept - even at pre-seed stage
BIOPOT3 Development Kit

ELECTRODE INVASIVE and IMPLANTS - From R&D to manufacturing
We are the experts in researching, prototyping, developing and qualifying electrodes that interface with the brain, the nervous system and the body.
Including wearable electrodes, dry and wet, invasive and external, chronic and acute, totally or partially implanted; for use in monitoring and stimulation of various signal types; durability and impedance improvements; multi and high channel count electrodes; applications in various clinical and NeuroScience research and even surgical tools.
Design and development of active implant systems including electronics, software, external units, RF powering, charging and communications, batteries, power management, encapsulation, qualification and external units.